When I first started out in triathlon, I heard a lot about nutrition during training/racing, but thought that it was for someone else. Someone weaker, doing longer distances, or pretty much everyone other than me. As far as I knew, I never felt hungry during a training session or race, so I clearly didn't need anything. Most races (Sprint and OLY) I had barely even touched my water bottle. My performance results were good, until they weren't...
During my first IM 70.3 race, I bonked...hard. Despite doing really well in all my training blocks and race simulations, on the day of the event, I simply ran out of gas during the run. I walked almost a 1/3 of the miles and hit every aid station. But, if you have ever bonked before, you know that when you do...it's too late to quickly recover and get out of the hole. I learned that day that race nutrition needs to be recognized as the Fourth Sport in triathlon.
From that day forward I have tried everything from Gatorade, gels, bars, salt supplements, etc., and in every combination. Nothing was perfect, nor were the results consistent. Finally, after more than a year of trial and error, I have found a product that simply works every time, under almost every circumstance.
Big Event: 2 Scoops. Short Event: Just use 1 Scoop. |
The reason that I say it has 'just enough,' is because when you compare serving size nutrition of INFINIT GO FAR to other endurance drinks (or even gels), the ratio is right in middle of the extremes and consistent with other proven supplements. I hate worrying about being too high or too low on sugar/salt intake during an event, especially when the duration of my events often varies. I train routinely for Half-Iron, but I also train and compete at OLY distance. Because INFINIT Go FAR is so perfectly balanced, even if I 'over intake" calories during an event, I don't feel heavy during or after, and, again, it is soooo gentle on the GI. I love this stuff!
Perhaps what I learned most of all about my body and race nutrition was my body's very high sweat rate. I am a walking salt block after every workout. It's gross, burns and destroys my equipment, but worst of all, SALT can be very hard to manage and replenish. Most gels and drinks only address SUGAR (glucose), which is important. But my body needs salt as much, if not more than, sugar. Taking a straight salt tablet is possible, but that is one more thing to carry and keep dry during a race, and sometimes shooting a salt tablet or liquid shot can wreak havoc on the GI. With INFINIT, I am constantly replenishing and no longer feeling that 'bonk' feeling.
INFINIT is an amazing product with an outstanding reputation. It has been tested and proven by all the big names, and it is available at just about every retailer. Of course, the best place to by all your Tri needs is our very own, PULSE ENDURANCE. With the team discount, you can't beat the value and performance gains this product provides.
Give it a "TRI" and let me know how it goes. I am confident you will be as amazed as I am.
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