Joining a triathlon TEAM is very different, or should be, than joining a Triathlon Club. If you only have access to a club, then please join one! But, if you are already a member of a Club, here are my Top 10 Reasons to also join a team (in no particular order and based upon my own experience).
1 - Competition vs. Hobby
Triathlon Clubs are awesome and everyone should join one, local or not. But, more often, Clubs are about uniting people around a hobby or interest, regardless of shared reasons, goals, etc. This is great and beneficial, but joining a Tri Team can grant something more: shared purpose. Tri Teams revolve around racing and competition. Regardless of whether the member's goal is PR or podium, the shared commitment to competition unites and motivates, and will push you to greater levels of training, achievement and satisfaction.
2 - Triathlon is about Community
Yes, we race against our own personal bests and demons, but we also enjoy that suffering with hundreds of others at our favorite races. Being a member of a Triathlon Team means showing up on race day with people you know, people you've trained with, and people who have shared your moments of triumph, fear, pain and suffering, and you are wearing the same kit! There is no greater feeling than racing in a kit that only you and your crew possess.
Additionally, when you are not racing, being a member of a Team means that you are never alone. You always have others to find inspiration, focus, share a complaint or gripe, discover a new piece of tech or technique and countless other 'unknowns.' Yes, this should be, and often is, also enjoyed within a Tri Club, but I think it can't be stressed enough.
3 - Team Discounts
Often size = savings. When you are a member of a Triathlon Team, it is assumed that you and your team will be racing and interacting with thousands of others at various races throughout your region or elsewhere. Corporations and product owners know that the best advertising is 'word of mouth' and 'hands on' experience. If your Team is eating a particular nutrition bar, and at a discount, there is a high chance that you and your team are going to brag about it. Joining a team is a great way to get gear a little bit cheaper and have more money for race entries.
4 - Discover 'New'
We don't know what we don't know. When you join a Triathlon Team, you have greater access to new tech, techniques and insights you probably wouldn't get elsewhere. The older members of your team are going to know what does and doesn't work, and will probably have some valuable opinions are all the 'new gear' that's being marketed on the web and elsewhere. It's amazing how much of what we think is 'new' is really just recycle gimmicks and ideas from yester-year. Conversely, chances are your teammates may have some new ideas or gear that truly is new and beneficial. Being a part of a Team, that's competing and sharing similar goals together, will keep you constantly growing in speed, strength, and wisdom.
5 - Support Your Local Economy
Most, if not all, local Tri Teams are sponsored in part by local businesses. We all love the convenience and value of online and "Big Box," but there is nothing like having a relationship with a local small business. Yes, there are often monetary benefits and conveniences, but, above all, there is an unmatched PRIDE in knowing that you are helping a person(s) who is also a part of your community.
6 - Cheerleaders
Triathlon is fun, but it's not a great spectator sport. Even our loving and supportive family members often struggle to enjoy attending our races. However, when you are a member of a Tri Team, you always have on-site cheerleaders on race day. It's awesome to be out of the course and have a fellow teammate come up beside you and cheer you on. And, if you podium or PR...or finish...there will always be people at the finish line to congratulate you, take pictures, or hold you hair while you puke and tell you that you are awesome. Cheerleaders make a difference.
7 - Increase Your Threshold for Suffering
When you and your Team are all rallying around competing in a race, you will find motivation to train at higher levels because your team will be suffering at those higher levels, too. Plus, there is bound to be someone who is close to your threshold and who you can be accountable/inspirational to.
8 - Training Buddies
Yes, you can get training buddies in a Tri Club, but there is a difference. Working off of Reason #7 above, knowing that there is someone who is training at your level (or close) affords you the opportunity to have someone to swim, bike, or run with in training. You are going to suffer alone for most, if not all, of the race course, don't let your training be lonely experience too.
9 - Travel Buddies
It's cool to compete in local races; but, it's REALLY COOL to compete in a destination race. Traveling is expensive, especially with a bike and/or all your gear. However, if you can find a member or two from your Tri Team who is also going to the race, you now have a roommate and/or carpool. Plus, there may also be a member of your team who has done the race previously and can give you pointers on how to travel better.
10 - Less Likely to Become an A$$
There is always 'that person' who thinks they are the best and/or brightest. Triathlon and competition innately attract them, but these things can also PRODUCE these kinds of people. Being a part of a competitive team provides a check/balance on your ego and social skills that we all desperately need. And if you can take the hint or check that your teammates are giving you, or 'that guy,' then guess what? You or he won't be on the team next year.
*All photos credit of Team Pulse/United Rehab 2017.
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